
Bebê de Soares

13.03.2025 | 9-10 AM I Tanz Weit Draußen Online | Talk

Bebê de Soares on EU project »SPARSE Plus« on supporting and promoting Arts in Rural Settlements of Europe

Bebê de Soares is the artistic director of the German SPARSE Plus partner »Teatro 4Garoupas«, located around Cologne. She is a board member of »ASSITEJ« International. Since 2019 she is back in Germany after 8 years in Chile, where she is producer and organizer of tours, residencies and  collaborations on a European level, such as »PERFORM EUROPE« and »SPARSE Plus«.

Join us to hear about Bebê's work within this context that's active in nine European countries.

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A cup of coffe with...
kulturland ogrosen

10.04.2025 | 9-10 AM | Tanz Weit Draußen Online Talk

Collective Kulturland Ogrosen on combining art, movement, horticulture & education at a former farm in Brandenburg

Nadja Raszewski, choreographer and dance educator and Daniela Grosset, cultural manager and theater teacher have founded the “Kollektiv Kulturland Ogrosen” in 2019 as a response of their desire to expand their field of action into rural areas. They now live on the site of a former pig farm in Ogrosen / Niederlausitz organizing art events in the form of residencies, workshops and performances, and growing flowers as members of the slowflower movement. Various dance productions have already been developed and shown in the expanded dance studios.

Click for more info & registration